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Lark Ellen Farm 9.17 ROAS | $18K ad spend
-> $172K revenue in 5 months

Lark Ellen Farm 9.17 ROAS | $18K ad spend -> $172K revenue in 5 months


Handcrafted in a beautiful valley in Southern California with a mission to create food that you love and is great for your health. We instantly felt we were a great match to provide social media ads for such a thoughtful brand.

The Challenge

With cereal viewed as an unhealthy breakfast choice, Lark Ellen Farm wanted to reach mothers and convey its message that wholegrain cereals offer a healthy morning start for children. Everything the client had done in the past did not produce any results. Given their lack of results with the previous marketing spends well into 6 figures had generated less than 2x ROAS, they needed results quickly.

The Strategy

We divided the Traffic in the verticals of Top of the funnel / Middle of the funnel / and Bottom of the funnel and started running campaigns in a more targeted manner so much so that we started seeing results proportionate to how populated the audiences were. Gradually scaling the audiences to the potential and then duplicating them according to the life of the adsets. After continuously repeating the process and harnessing the working adsets and campaigns we were able to make this brand close to a 50k a month brand within 5 months.

The Result

This is Kelley from Lark Ellen Farm – We took her from scratch to $172k per month in only 5 months.

Client: Kelley D’Angelo, Founder & CEO

Ad Spend:   $18,785
Conversion value:   $172,168
Return On Ad Spend:   9.17x
Beauty Bio (1)

Generate Spine-Chilling ROAS with Maccros Media

It’s time to make your ad-budget count, scale your business and blow up your sales. This is not your typical
“marketing agency”. We provide you with everything you need to be successful.

It’s time to make your ad-budget count, scale your business and blow up your sales. This is not your typical “marketing agency”. We provide you with everything you need to be successful.

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